
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Stars in the news by Nestor Torre

Thank you once again for your support Mr. Nestor Torre.

Stars in the news Gifted character actor "On another new series, we were happy to see that Art Acuña was given a substantial role as the kind plantation owner who took the show’s young protagonist under his wing. Expectedly, the gifted character actor took the predictable role and made it acutely credible and empathetic. —Unfortunately, it turned out that his tenure on the new series was tragically short-lived: Before we could enjoy and savor his portrayal, Acuña’s character was abruptly killed off! This is one of our frustrations with local TV dramas—they have a penchant for eliminating good actors’ characters, while bland but more popular performers are given the run of the place, from beginning to end! After Acuña did so well in the indie movie “Niño,” we were excited to see that he had gotten a regular role on the teleserye, “Princess and I.” Alas, his assigned character ended up doing very little in the show—such poor use of fine talent! Is this going to be a career pattern for Acuña on local TV? We hope not. We don’t have enough really good mature actors, so the few we do have shouldn’t be used in such a spendthrift manner. We trust that, the third time we get to see Acuña on the boob tube, it’ll be in a role that’s truly commensurate to his ability and worth! Come to think of it, he did do very well in a major and challenging role in the Asian regional production, “The Kitchen Musical,” but that was a show shot in Singapore. When will we learn to better appreciate and value the exceptional talents, like Art Acuña, in our midst? " Read more: Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook